Making a Difference
We have a large variety of Leagues going on, they are on Monday, Tuesday and Thursdays. They consist of a Mix League, a Senior League, a Women's League. They start 7pm
The Senior Over 60's club hold their events in the Glens Lounge, they do Bid Euchre and Luncheons other events.
The members of the Ladies' Auxiliary assist the Branch in its activities. They have many fund raising activities throughout the year, and funds raised locally are given to assist the Legion, health facilities and programs, school activities, and Bursaries.
Starting on the last Friday of October we will be conducting our yearly Poppy Campaign to support our Veterans and their families. Some of the funds from the campaign are used for education, grants to students who are veterans, or the families of those who have served.
The Royal Canadian Legion has a variety of rooms and halls to provide for your every needs.
The Legion also offers catering services for almost all events. We are able to prepare and supply a large variety of catered meals.
Call 613-933-2362 for pricing